General Sources on Program Design
The Incentive Research Foundation at
The leading organization for research and information on incentive process design and effective practices.
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance at
The only organization offering education and certification on effective engagement process design and measurement.

Important Articles and Research
The Master Measurement Model of Employee Performance
A simple, scientific process for measuring the return on investment of incentive and recognition programs, published by the Incentive Research Foundation.
Incentives, Motivation, and Workplace Performance
A report on the research-basis for properly designed incentive programs, published by the Incentive Research Foundation.
The Art and Science of Engaging Rewards
A complete guide to process design and reward selection for all types of incentive, recognition, and loyalty programs.
The Principles of Results-Based Incentive Program Design
A comprehensive guide to effective incentive process design from the Incentive Marketing Association.
The Untapped Power of the New Brand Media
The first-ever white paper on the use of brands in incentive, recognition, and loyalty programs.